Thursday, June 27, 2019


Hindu philosophy says that the soul never dies, it's only the physical body that dies and reborns again. I am not taking about this kind of reborn, I am taking about spiritual and mental reborn while the person is still physically alive.

Talking of reborn reminds me of death. I almost faced death 3 times during various phases of my life, nearly escaping it.

About to be hit by speeding truck: This was when I was studying in Surat. Me and couple of my friends were crossing the main road near our college. One of the friends were in a hurry to cross the road and he came running. But at that moment some big trucks at very high speed appeared there. That friend got scared and stopped himself from crossing the road, by holding onto me. I was totally unprepared for it, got pushed towards the trucks. Luckily, another friend caught hold of my hand and saved me from being hit by a truck, missing my head by few inches.

Almost drown in the tub: This incident took place when I just started working. I joined a company in Calcutta and was staying in their guest house in Park street. It was a very big guest house with lots of big rooms. No one except me was in the guest house. On a Saturday afternoon, I came back from shopping. As I was very tired, I decided to relax in warm water bath tub. After getting into the tub, I relaxed so much that I slept there. After some time, I started to feel suffocated. Initially I thought I was dreaming. But at some point, when it became unbearable, I opened my eyes and saw water around me. In fact, my head was submerged in water and I was struggling to breath. Due to the shape of the tub (and it was a ceramic tub), it had no grip to hold onto. As moments passed, I was struggling more and more for air, getting desperate to come out. I thought I would not make it, but suddenly tremendous amount of energy came to me and I jumped out of the tub, escaping from imminent death.

About to fall from a moving bus: This happened in Bangalore, when I initially went there in search of job. I boarded a bus which was already crowded. I could not enter the bus completely, my legs were in the steps, holding a railing, my body was hanging outside. As the bus started moving I started feeling the weight of people above me, on my hands. The weight continued to increase and at some point of time, I was unable to withstand it. I started telling people to move up, but no response, probably was no space. My hands started getting numb, the bus was on full speed. At one point my hands came off railing, I was not able think anything. I just gave up, thinking it's my last day. But then I realized that I didn't fall down. There were two more persons near me, who stopped me from falling down.

We are born with a certain set of qualities (I believe so, but some people agues about it) and then gather some more different qualities from other people. Also, the different situations that we face across our life, shapes our character. Many of our qualities are good, but many others are not so. Does this mean we need to live the life the way it is? Shall we just spend our entire life with the qualities that are neither good for us nor for others?

We come across many persons, who suffer in life due to qualities that they have. Many of them are not even aware of this (they think that they suffer just because of luck), but some others know about their negative qualities but do nothing to change. Some thinks it's too late to change.

One habit that helps in life is to always keep learning. Most people don't know about this. Last time they read a book was when they were in college. Even though they read, they read novels and film magazines, which doesn't help improve a person much. If we want to improve ourselves (every aspect of it), we need to read books on self-improvement. Good thing is that, nowadays we need not buy and carry books with us. Internet is a wonderful thing, it's full of books and materials, we can read for free. Mobile apps are also available (I use Any Books and Kindle) for reading books. Even audio books are available (I save materials from internet as text file and use a 'text to speech' app to read it, while driving).

Once we start learning, we will know what qualities are beneficial and what are harmful for us. Then we can analyze ourselves, find out our own shortcomings and work on them so that we can overcome them. Various techniques are available that can help us improve our qualities.

We can transform our lives by turning the negative qualities, that we have, into positive ones. Once we do this, our lives and experiences enhance dramatically. We can enjoy our lives and the world around us better. It's truly an achievement, a reborn.

The views posted here are entirely mine and they are not necessarily correct. You are most welcome to differ to them. Please post your views as comment.

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